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Multiple Irons in the Fire

I spoke with an entrepreneur a few weeks ago who has found a way to solve multiple problems for their customers. Each could be its own...

Sales demos are the wrong approach

“We had a great demo, but they haven’t returned my email since” We’ve all been there. One of my early sales mentors offered to join one...

What do they mean by traction?

Traction. I had a number of founders in recent weeks ask me what people are looking for when they ask for traction. Simply put, traction...

When you disagree, listen

A conversation with an AutoTech CEO from last week has been playing on repeat in my head. The CEO had surveyed potential customers and...

Simplify and test to quickly grow

I was recently asked by a founder for feedback on their financial projection. Their plan was to spend the better part of a year building...

Hiring? Look for Ambition

Last week, I was speaking with a startup founder named Ryne, who leads the product department at Selly Automotive, a CRM and...

Leverage In Conversations

The word “leverage” implies some sort of power dynamic, like one person is dangling a carrot in front of someone else. However, when...

Sign Up: Start-Up Office Hours

When I talk with start-ups, I can see the early DealerScience team in their story and questions. People everywhere asked how they could...

Test Everything

A colleague reached out to me last week asking for advice about a plan for a startup. He had an idea for a new venture based on problems...

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